Upcoming Events
Spiritual Awakenings International will be hosting an online conference on June 7th and 8th, 2025, and I will be one of the panelists speaking about spiritually transformative experiences. I will update this announcement once the date and time are confirmed for the panel I will be on.
Past Event
In addition to the event listed below, I was also one of the mediums who provided readings for conference attendees during three days of the conference. All fees were paid to IANDS as a donation.

Podcast Interviews
Jane Asher, “The Next Room”
Betty Guadagno, “Explore the Extraordinary”
Andrea Kennedy, “Beyond The Reiki Gateway”
Sarah Rathke and Jane Morgan, “Medium Curious”
One of my stories about signs, synchronicities, and communicating with a loved one in Spirit, who is one of my beloved angels, is featured on a podcast titled:
The Monarch Episode, Stories of Signs and Synchronicities
Tia Renee: “Near Death Experiences And Other Timeless Truths”
Ask Julie Ryan Podcast
One of my personal stories about communicating with a beloved angel—who was one of my Soul-dogs in this physical realm and continues to be present in my life daily—was chosen for inclusion in the book called Mediumship, Sacred Communications with Loved Ones from Across the Veil, by Suzanne Giesemann.
For more information and to order the book, please visit: